Getting Started

How can you get started with Vintage Stock Market. The procedures.

Getting Started with Vintage Stock Markets.

One account for all of Vintage Stock Markets. To get started with Vintage Stock Markets., you are required to follow the link: OR click on the “Get Started with Vintage Stock” on the menu above. You will be required to fill in your name, email. address, mobile contact and your password.  Hit the Register button.

Email Verification

After sign up, you might be required to verify your email address. You have to check your email address for a verification mail and follow the link. In cases where you do not need to verify your account, you can log in by using your email and password.

Updating your Profile

After accessing your dashboard, click on the “My Profile”.  You can update your Personal, Contact Address or your Crypto Currency Wallet address.

NOTE: After KYC, you may not be able to edit your profile.

What do I do after opening an Account?

After opening an account, you will be required to get your account started by going a deposit. Click on “Deposit Funds” from your users account and select the preferred type of account. This type of account will only be required once.

Trading with Vintage Stock Markets

A simple guide to use our Platform. We will explain some Terminologies.

How do I make deposits?

Log into your account, click on “Deposit Funds”. You have to select between the Deposit for Forex Trading, Stock Market or Binary Options. A brief description to guide you is placed under each of the categories. When this module opens up, you have to enter your “Amount” and select the “Preferred means of Payment”

Can I make payments with Cryptocurrency?

Practically, its the safest and easiest means of collecting payment so its a YES!. We accept cryptocurrency payments (Preferably Bitcoins and Ethereum). If you prefer to use an alternative means of payment, you can give us a call or send a message.

How do I made Withdrawals?

Log into your trading account, click on the module “Withdrawal”. You will have to enter the amount (Usually Automatically selected as All), the receiving wallet and the address of the receiving wallet (Paypal Supported). When your withdrawal is placed, an email will be sent to you confirming your withdrawal.

How do I access my Account Payment History

You can access your Deposit and Withdrawal History from your account by clicking on the respective modules. To Access your Deposit History, tap on the Deposit History module. To access your Withdrawal History, click on the Withdrawal History. You will have access to a detailed description about your withdrawal and deposit.

How do I contact Support?

You have multiple channels to contact our support center. You can send a mail to, you can visit the contact section of this website or alternatively, you can log into your Trading account and click on the “Customer Support” module. When this module opens up, you can initiate a chat by clicking on “New Ticket” button. You have to select a topic, enter your message and then click on send.

Questions on Cryptocurrency

Know about the basics of cryptocurrency and it's future.

What is Blockchain?

The Bitcoin Network is the first successful implementation of blockchain technology.

The term “blockchain technology” typically refers to the transparent, trustless, publicly accessible ledger that allows us to securely transfer the ownership of units of value using public key encryption and proof of work methods.

The technology uses decentralized consensus to maintain the network, which means it is not centrally controlled by a bank, corporation, or government. In fact, the larger the network grows and becomes increasingly decentralized, the more secure it becomes.

The potential for blockchain technology is not limited to bitcoin. As such, it has gained a lot of attention in a variety of industries including: financial services, charities and nonprofits, the arts, and e-commerce.

What is Bitcoin

Bitcoin can often refer to two things. First, the Bitcoin network that keeps track of our transactions and balances, and second, the currency that we use as the unit of value when we transact. We’ll cover both here. 

The Bitcoin Network

Bitcoin’s payment network (also called the bitcoin blockchain) is what makes it possible for us to transact with one another. The network uses distributed consensus to verify and confirm transactions, and consensus is reached via a large global network of high-performance computers (called miners) running the bitcoin software.

Whenever someone sends a transaction it is broadcast instantly to the network and verified by the miners. Miners are constantly working to confirm individual transactions and include them in the next block of transactions in the chain. Once a new block is verified, all the transactions within it are permanently recorded on the blockchain. Rewards are paid out in bitcoin to miners who confirm transactions and verify the next block as a way to incentivize productivity on the network.

Each party who participates in the mining process has an identical up-to-date copy of the blockchain or public ledger, which is a record of all the transactions in bitcoin history. Each party’s copy of the ledger is updated every time a new block is found.

The Currency

The unit of value that we send and receive on the Bitcoin network is also referred to as bitcoin, or bitcoins. Bitcoin is completely digital, meaning we can’t physically hold it in our hand. It’s also portable, divisible, fungible, and irreversible.

What is Ethereum and other Questions

  • What is Ethereum?
    • Ethereum is a distributed public blockchain network that focuses on running the programming code of any decentralized application. More simply, it is a platform for sharing information across the globe that cannot be manipulated or changed.
  • How is it different than bitcoin?
    • Bitcoin was a pioneer in the blockchain revolution by establishing a public, permissionless, distributed ledger system to validate, store, and replicate transaction data on computers all over the world. Ethereum expands these concepts by harnessing that same block chain capability for computer code. While Bitcoin offers one particular application of block chain technology, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, Ethereum allows for scripts of code to be run as a global computational network. This concept has a wide range of potential applications such as voting, global supply chains, medical records, the financial system — the opportunities are endless.
  • What is ether?
    • Ether is a decentralized digital currency, also known as ETH. In addition to being a tradeable cryptocurrency, ether powers the Ethereum network by paying for transaction fees and computational services. Ether is paving the way for a more intelligent financial platform.
  • Why is this interesting and valuable for me to be involved in? 
    • You asked — we listened! Many of our users have expressed interest in expanding their access to other digital currencies. The addition of ether as a new currency in our wallet enables you and millions around the globe to transact, save, and hedge their way to a better financial future.
  • Where is the value in Ethereum derived from?
    • Ethereum is useful and valuable because of its ability to have a wide variety of intelligent applications built on top of it, including anything from financial contracts to voting and governance applications. Today, the authentication for these processes can take days or even weeks. With Ethereum, verification is almost instant. As the platform grows, it could continue to change the way we do business and transact on a daily basis. We want to give you the opportunity to start using ether on the Ethereum blockchain now, so you’ll be ready for what the future brings.

What are the fees involved?

Every cryptocurrency transaction must be added to the blockchain, the official public ledger of all completed transactions, in order to be considered a successful and valid transfer. The work of validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain is done by miners, which are powerful computers that make up a portion of the network and confirm its transactions. Miners spend vast amounts of computing power and energy doing this for a financial reward: with every block (a collection of transactions) added to the blockchain comes a bounty called a block reward, as well as all fees sent with the transactions that were confirmed and included in the block.

For this reason, miners have a financial incentive to prioritize the validation of transactions that include a higher fee. For someone looking to send funds and get a quick confirmation, the appropriate fee to include depends on the cryptocurrency being sent and can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors, such as transaction size and network conditions.

What can you buy with Cryptocurrency?

Currently in 2021, one can buy almost anything with cryptocurrency. Thethings that can be purchased ranges from Real Estate to Cars, clothes etc. More Businesses are beginning to accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment making it possible to purchase virtually almost everything.

For instance, we accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment for your investments with us.